Monday, December 3, 2012

Turning and Turning in the Widening Gyre

Well, what to do when there’s nothing to write about?
The news—just horrible, as always. Who needs it, especially on a Monday?
Talk about the cruise? Nah—vacation stories are boring. (As well as golf and psychotherapy accounts….)
Well, the obvious choice is to borrow someone else’s creativity for a while.
Hey—what about Chris Jordan? He’s dripping with the stuff. Take a look at what he created!

Right—I can hear you. You’ve seen it before; you’re not impressed.
OK, take a closer look…

Starting to get it? The next one makes it obvious.

The project is called “running the numbers,” and here’s what a commentator has to say:
Cans Seurat, 2007 – depicts 106,000 aluminum cans, the number used in the US every thirty seconds.
The work of photographer Chris Jordan examines American consumption – his latest series of photographs. “Running the numbers” looks at contemporary American culture through the austere lens of statistics. Each image portrays a specific quantity of something: fifteen million sheets of office paper (five minutes of paper use); 106,000 aluminum cans (thirty seconds of can consumption) and so on. Jordan's hope is that images representing these quantities might have a different effect than the raw numbers alone.
Damn, where do guys get these ideas! Take a look at this….

Investigating further, the story turns grim. And today, this blogger begs you—watch the video below. Try to get to the end—I couldn’t.

I was weeping too hard.
But it’s necessary.
Now we know what rough beast, its hour come round at last, is slouching to Bethlehem to be born.


  1. Humankind is the most destructive invasive species of all and of all time. My entire end-of-year charitable donation budget is going to Planned Parenthood. It will be easier to cut down on the number of people than on people's use of pollutants: Thoreau said, "For every thousand hacking at the branches of evil, there' is one striking at the root."

  2. Actually might be a good idea....
