Tuesday, January 8, 2013

104,000 Nuts, All Armed

The great thing about not following popular culture is that it’s so relaxing. I walk by the sea with Bach cantatas soaring into my ears, and drink my orange juice…it’s soothing.
It is, however, a bit isolating. Which is why I had to ask, “who’s Piers Morgan,” when Mr. Fernández told me that over 100,000 people want to deport him.
He explained—a British citizen who has a show on television.
Right—so what had he done?
If you watch the clip below, you’ll know. He wants to ban semi-automatic weapons, force background checks on buyers at gun shows, increase funding for mental health.
And if you watch the clip below, you’ll know something else.
We’re in deep trouble.
If I weren’t an atheist, I’d be on my knees. Why? Because the gentleman—though he seems to prefer the term “bud”—behind the petition is completely insane.
Most people in interviews start off reasonably enough, get challenged, become unnerved, and then unravel. Alex Jones unravels within the first fifteen seconds after being presented the question, “why do you want to deport me?”
A single nut is one thing; 104,000 of them—all armed—is another.
Watching the clip is an invitation to emotional highjacking. The fear, rather the paranoia, is contagious. Worse is the realization—no rational dialogue is possible here.
I know people who have guns. A neighbor of my mother has guns. Actually, at least two neighbors. And they’re good people and I trust them and they’re not crazy. But if they want to keep their guns, they’d better do something quick.
Change—or rather start—the dialogue.
Send this to everyone you know who has a gun. Give them this message.
The NRA is making you look completely ridiculous. And it’s pissing people off. So unless you want the rest of us to get down nasty and fight to ban ALL guns—which many nations have done, by the way—you’re gonna have to be reasonable. Nobody has to have an assault weapon. Not checking background at gun shows while requiring it in gun shops is crazy. Speak up, repudiate the NRA, and start a reasonable dialogue.
Why do I feel that ain’t gonna happen?


  1. Thank you Marc, for the great video clip. It brings tears to my eyes - and not just because it's so depressing. I couldn't have picked a better spokesperson to demonstrate the reason why we need strong gun control. Somebody get me the Haldol. I'm happy to give the loading dose. God, I miss hands-on nursing and I'm also grateful to not have to do it any more. What a great start to my day. I can't stop laughing. I miss you - Jo Ellen.

  2. Wow--Jo Ellen from B6/5??!! Wonderful to hear from you! I miss you too!
