Saturday, August 18, 2012

When a Man Becomes a Swan

Well, even I can’t keep it up forever.

There’s a limit to how much storming around I can do, how much moral outrage I can generate, how much rant I can produce.

Time to move on.

Which is not to say that I get it. Romney was governor of Massachusetts for four years from 2003 to 2007. Top federal tax rate is 35%. The guy must have been in the top bracket, right? I mean, being Gov has gotta pay better than Burger King, right?

Mental hygiene, Marc….

I admit it, the tail of the hurricane is still producing a few gusty winds. I considered starting a little business. T shirts!

Here’s the first:

OK, try this:

And for the truly tasteless:

Well, well. I considered starting a little competition for readers of this blog. Who, in the next week, can create the funniest, most mordant t-shirt? But we gotta move on. Can’t be spitting nails all our lives. So take a look at this: