Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Question Time Redux

Well, the cop speaking to the media at the funeral of the slain MIT officer had the answer: “my coworker was shot at point-blank range for no reason—the two brothers are just plain evil.”
I’d probably feel the same way if I were in his shoes. But being that I’m not, I’m prepared to have questions.
Well, let’s start with a woman who also has the answer: “my two boys DID NOT do this, they are innocent. I know. I am mother,” she stated fiercely. Right—I get denial, I appreciate a mother’s love. But her credibility is just a bit dented by the fact that she skipped out the country in order to avoid a little court appearance on a charge of stealing 1600$ worth of clothing from a Lord and Taylor store in Natick. Was she set up on that, as she alleges that the two brothers were set up? Seems a bit of a stretch.
OK, so the media is trying to put it into our heads—the youngest brother was “brainwashed” by the elder, who in turn was “radicalized” by a 30-year old heavyset red-bearded Armenian named Mischa.
I’m trying to remember what being 19 was like—would I have put a bomb in front of an 8-year old child if my brother John had told me to? I have the feeling that I wouldn’t—I’ll call Johnny and get back to you on this. And do I believe that a person can be “radicalized?” What is it, exactly? Where is the line between intense devotion to Islam and “radicalized?” When you go into the kitchen and take the pressure cooker out of the cabinet?
OK—I don’t know how else to say it. Nothing justifies putting a bomb at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, but would the brothers have acted as they did if they hadn’t been watching the United States doing much the same thing in Iraq and Afghanistan?
The whole story is screwy. What’s the deal with the fireworks shop in New Hampshire, who two months ago sold four hundred bucks worth of fireworks to one of the brothers? “We don’t get a lot of Russians up here in New Hampshire,” stated the clerk, explaining why she remembered the guy. Right—but how many people buy 400 dollars of fireworks? And if the FBI—whose star is glowing rather dimly lately—is checking out people purchasing large amounts of fertilizers, shouldn’t they also be checking fireworks stores?
Now then, move back to—perhaps—the tenth anniversary of September 11, or about 18 months ago. In the town of Waltham, quite close to Cambridge, MA, a friend of Tamerlan’s and two other young men were brutally slain (their heads were pulled back, and their necks were slit ear to ear…). Authorities are now wondering whether Tamerlan was in any way responsible for the murders.
And may I ask—how are these kids getting the money they apparently had? The auto repair guy across the street from where the two brothers lived reports that Dzhokhar was wearing a pair of shoes that cost 900$. It hurts me to drop 70$ for a pair of crocs—how are these guys doing it?
Oh, and Tamerlan’s wife—the girl who works seven days a week to support the family, while Tamerlan stays at home as Mr. Mom? This “radicalized” fundamentalist Muslim is sending his wife out to bring home the bacon?
Right, so as usual I have more questions than answers. I am, however, delighted to report that there is absolutely no question in my mind about the commentary piece on CNN titled “History’s Jury Still Out on George W. Bush.”
Not with this blogger…..  

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