OK—some days even bloggers get a gift. Mostly it’s uphill,
you know—not every day has a British prince hitting baseballs with a bunch of
blacks kids in Harlem, or a Venezuelan dude becoming director of the LA Phil.
So how likely was it that I’d strike it rich three times in
a row? Because that’s what happened, when a gentleman who has now gone viral,
Greg Karber, dropped into my day with his brilliant idea: give Abercrombie& Fitch clothing to the homeless.
Damn, why are everybody else’s ideas better than mine? No
wonder he goes viral; it was an idea someone just had to think of. A & F,
as you may remember, has decided that they only want cool people in their
store, and in their clothes as well. So they don’t donate defective merchandise
to people who might need it, they burn the clothes.
Douchebags, is what Karber calls them, and it’s an
assessment that’s pretty hard to challenge. What’s wonderful, however, is the
sheer ingenuity of Karber’s scheme, as well as its interesting twist: doing
well by doing good.
Doing well because his video has gotten 1, 263, 997 hits on
YouTube. Oh, and it was uploaded on May 13, 2013. So it will be interesting to
see—writing a post usually takes an hour or so; how many hits will he have had
by the time I finish this thing?
Well, it has to be said, Karber needs no help from this
blogger—he’s made it! Yup, he’s doing the 15 minutes of fame. Take a look at
this clip, and tell me he’s not wonderful…..
Right, so what else has the guy done? Well, you can check
out his website, which with breathtaking logic is called http://www.gregkarber.com .
Nor is this enough for the imaginatively fecund Karber / Carber. Here he goes into the tantalizing world of the Ouija board…
The supernatural seems to be a common theme in—oh, what the hell, let's call it the—oeuvre of Karber. Take a look at the clip below....
Of course, every guy has a serious side, so that's why Karber had to do the koan of the day....
Lastly, there's this fascinating clip of the number pi.
Right, and here's what Karber says about it....
1. What is This?
225 Digits of π is a mathematic auralizer, a system by which the digits of π are converted to music. The piece was conceived and created by Amin Osman and Greg Karber.You can purchase it on iTunes.
2. The Structure of 225 Digits of π.
The digits 0-9 were mapped to two octaves of a pentatonic scale.We chose the pentatonic scale for three reasons. Firstly, each octave contains five notes, so the digits may be mapped evenly onto two octaves. Secondly, since the pentatonic scale lacks semitones and tritones, its pitches can be played in almost any arrangement without creating dissonance.
Thirdly, as this wonderful performance by Bobby McFerrin illustrates, the pentatonic scale seems hardwired into our brains. A fundamental scale for a fundamental number.
We chose the key of A and assigned the digits as follows:
0 = A2
1 = B2
2 = C#3
3 = E3
4 = F#3
5 = A3
6 = B3
7 = C#4
8 = E4
9 = F#4
However, while using the pentatonic scale removes dissonance, it also eliminates tension. As such, we added a bassline which followed a simple chord progression:1 = B2
2 = C#3
3 = E3
4 = F#3
5 = A3
6 = B3
7 = C#4
8 = E4
9 = F#4
F#m F#m
F#m F#m
F#m F#m
This contextualized π's melody and gave it a dynamism which did not exist on its own.D D
F#m F#m
F#m F#m
We additionally mapped the a spectrum of colors to each of the digits, as follows:
0 = 
1 =
2 =
3 =
4 =
5 =
6 =
7 =
8 =
9 =
1 =
2 =
3 =
4 =
5 =
6 =
7 =
8 =
9 =
3. Why π Fascinates Us.
π is, of course, most well known for expressing the relationship between the diameter and the circumference of a circle.
C = πd
However, this is not the only occurence of π. It recurs in several fields of mathematics, from statistics to number theory, often in situations where the connection to circles is difficult to fathom.The most striking of these, perhaps, is this version of the Leibniz series:
So get out your calculator.
Early mathematicians believed π to be rational, meaning they thought it could be represented by one whole number divided by another. Sometimes these mathematicians claimed that π equaled 22/7. It doesn't, but 22/7 is accurate for the first two digits, and that's close enough for almost all ancient uses.
You only need about 40 decimal places of π to calculate the circumference of the known universe to within a margin of error of about half the diameter of a proton.
The digits of π are thought to be random. However, no proof of such randomness exists. (If you could prove it, you could get a lot of attention and probably a number of new Twitter followers.)
If π is random, then its infinite length means that every finite pattern that could possibly exist exists within it. This has some mindblowing consequences. For example, let's say that we assigned each letter of the alphabet to a two-digit number:
A = 01
B = 02
C = 03
X = 24
Y = 25
Z = 26
Assuming randomness, every single possible string of letters would be represented somewhere within π. This would include the Declaration of Independence, the lyrics to Gungnam Style, and the complete works of Shakespeare.B = 02
C = 03
X = 24
Y = 25
Z = 26
4. An Unfinishable Symphony...
While π never ends, "225 Digits of Pi" does. (Obviously, it ends after 225 digits.) However, this does not necessarily have to be so.Through procedural generation, the digits of π could be determined on-the-fly by a computer, which could assign the digits to tones automatically (eliminating the very tedious project of individually entering notes). Then, the bassline, beat, and other assorted instruments could be cued to enter and leave based on a few simple rules.
If the rules were clever enough, they could retain musical dynamism indefinitely, so that the piece could -- thereotically -- go on forever...
What a guy—hunh? He does all this cool stuff, and he's funny too. Damn, and guess what?
Abercrombie & Fitch is at 1, 488, 103....
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